Guided by a strong spirit of innovation, growth and vision of the future, LT Natural Group® has always had R&D activities at its heart. The surprising results obtained with the experience over the years push LT Natural Group® to invest constantly in research to create and guarantee new and quality products for its customers.
Circular no. 8/E del 10 Aprile 2019 by “Agenzia delle Entrate” reports that a new product development project is classified as R&D if it has led to the identification of unsolvable scientific or technological uncertainties based on the knowledge and skills that form the state of the art of the reference sector and for the overcoming of which it was necessary to carry out the research work in question; moreover, the R&D activity must have been such as to bring a significant element of "novelty" and "improvement" and that therefore it can be differentiated from routine or normal product development activities which are part of the company's ordinary activities. The R&D activities carried out by LT Natural Group® can be traced back to the categories of activities considered eligible and classified specifically as "Industrial Research" and "Experimental Development".
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